Man I was glad to get to my hostel and crash out on a comfortable bed after the last 36 hrs or so. They were a tad tough!

With not a lot of time here and not a lot of cash, I was keen to do things that were free or at least cheap. However, given that LA is very much not a city that you can wander around on foot so each day I took the metro to a location and explored that area. I headed out to Santa Monica for an afternoon and walked all along the beaches, poked my head into a few of the boutique stores along broad-walk. I also hiked up to the Griffith Observatory which has quite a good view over the Hollywood hills and sign without being overcrowded by masses of tourists. The observatory has quite a lot of stuff to see and do, including a cool camera obscura (pin hole camera) rotating, showing you the skyline of LA.

View from the observatory to to Hollywood sign.

On my way back to the hostel, I stopped briefly at the Hollywood walk of fame and found this one on the floor just before I was about to head back.

Ma main man Buzz.

Along with some much deserved chill out time, that was pretty much all I did in LA. Maybe it would be easier to come back later in life with more money spare but I wasn’t hooked by the city by any means… just a handy transport hub before heading to Hawaii.

Great street name.
Broadwalk, Santa Monica. Near muscle/Venice beach